Optimising After Effects for the Best Performance

Things you can do to speed things up right now

  1. Keep your footage files on your local drive. If your footage is on a slow drive or across a network, your performance will suffer greatly.
  2. Solid State Drive (SSD) – Store your disk cache on the SSD to speed up previews.
  3. Check Color Settings  – Don’t need to be working in 32 bpc? Turn it down to 16 or even 8 bpc.
  4. Make footage elements smaller – If you’re using high res images and scaling them to 25% in AE, do yourself a favor and scale them in Photoshop first.
  5. Shadows and Depth of Field – They can be murder on previews. If you don’t need them for previewing, turn them off until you’re ready to render.
  6. Purge or free up memory – see the section above on Getting out of Memory Errors?

Quality resources for Information on Optimizing AE
After Effects Help / Improve performance

Source: In Depth: Optimizing After Effects for the Best Performance – Toolfarm.com :: The Video Plug-ins People